
For Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd

Are you looking to expand your business or about to start a new one? Look no further. We are here to help you find a suitable business location and make settling down in Mikkeli as easy as possible.

Our services are available for all business owners and CEOs thinking about establishing a business in Mikkeli or looking for growing your company. Furthermore, we can help your business expand to the international market and provide advice on how to successfully manage the change in ownership.

Please get in touch with any questions, big or small! 

This is what we at Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd can do for you: 

  • Provide business services for all stages of a company’s lifecycle. 
  • Co-develop the Mikkeli operating environment. 
  • Highlight why Mikkeli is an attractive location for businesses of all shapes and sizes. 
  • Support export and internationalization of local businesses. 
  • Co-develop tourism, recreational housing, and business activities. 

Through developing businesses, travel and business environment alike Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd reinforces the attractiveness of the Mikkeli economic area by working together with some 1200 companies each year.  The company employs 40 experts in a variety of business fields. 

Find more information here: Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd