Fill in the application form for early childhood education and care as soon as:
- When you apply for education or to studies,
- You are registered with the employment services,
- Apply for a job, or you are returning to work for example after parental leave.
The above are not urgent care needs. They are anticipated and planned, so the application period for early childhood education and care is four months.
If the start date of the need for care cannot be predicted and the need for an early childhood education place is due to sudden employment or sudden entry into education, the place must be applied for as soon as possible. In these situations, the application must be made at least two weeks before the start of the early childhood education and care.
Applications for early childhood education and care are made via the eDaisy online application:
You can apply for early childhood education all year round. If you need an early childhood education place between August and September, you must apply between March and April.
- The child must have a Finnish personal identity number (personal ID).
- You can log in using the guardian’s online banking credentials.
- If the child does not yet have a Finnish personal identity number or the family does not have access to online banking, please contact Daisy Services.
- A separate application is made for each child.
- The application can also be filled in at Service Points in the city.
- The application is valid for one year from the date of receipt, after which the application will be deleted from the system.
- Applications for private kindergartens are made on their own application forms, which can be found on the kindergartens’ own websites.
- To apply for private family day care, you must contact the service provider directly or contact the private family day care agency.
How Early childhood education applications are processed
- Early childhood education and care places are offered according to the current availability of places.
- In processing applications, we aim to take into account: Urgency of the matter, Family wishes and the nearest kindergarten and as well as other children in the family attending early childhood education and care.
- Applications for early childhood education will be processed no later than the month before the start date.
- If the carer does not accept the childcare place offered, the carer must fill in a new application for early childhood education and care in the eDaisy application. A new place will be offered after the end of the four-month processing period.