
Local exercise outdoor exercise places


Address: Mikonkatu 2a, 50100 Mikkeli 
Equipped with weight-packed outdoor gym equipment, street workout racks, climbing cubes, fitness equipment and a small artificial grass court with basketball hoops 

Kalevankankaan koulu 

Address: Raviradantie 16, 50100 Mikkeli 
In addition to the full scale artificial grass, the area located in the Kalevankankaa school yard has,

among other things, two multipurpose fields suitable for ball games, two Panna small game fields and climbing frames. 

Ristiinan yhtenäiskoulu (Mäkitie 30, 52300 Ristiina) and sports field (Opinahjo 6, 52300 Ristiina) 
Multipurpose field with artificial grass, suitable for many types of ball games. 


Address: Taipaleentie, 52100 Mikkeli 
Multipurpose field, suitable for many types of ball games. 


Address: Otto Mannisenkatu 8 – 10, 50100 Mikkeli 
Multipurpose field, suitable for many types of ball games. 

Outdoor gyms

Anttola. Address: Urheilutie 5 

Haukivuori. Address: Koulutie 3 

Kalevankangas. The end of the Raviradantie, near the bubble hall. 

Library. Address: Raatihuoneenkatu 6.  

Pursiala. Address: Pursialankatu 3, Near the Kaihu hut. 

Nuijamies. Address: Ilmarisenpuisto, Nuijamiestenkatu 32 

Kirkonvarkaus. Address: Moisionrannantie 

Peitsari. Pappilanpuisto playground. Address: Peitsarinkuja 8B and along the outdoor trail.


  • Address: Pallokuja. Can be found near the starting point of the outdoor trail.
  • The outdoor area of the Rantakeidas swimming hall.  
    Address: Kunnanmäki 3, 50600 Mikkeli 

Otava opiston lenkki

Satama (Harbour in Mikkeli). Address: Laiturikatu 3, Mikkeli

Suomenniemi. Address: Opinraitti 20, 52830 Suomenniemi (in the school yard)  

Tuppurala. Along the outdoor trail.

Outdoor recreation facilities on the map of the Lipas system (Partially in Finnish).