There are 15 Comprehensive schools in Mikkeli. Each student is assigned a so-called neighborhood school. The neighborhood school is not necessarily the school closest to the student’s home. A student can also apply to a school other than the one designated by the city. In this case, the child’s guardian must submit an application to the principal of the desired school. The city will not arrange or pay for transportation to the school in such instances.
The City of Mikkeli sends a letter to the homes of students starting school, informing them of their designated neighborhood school. Guardians register their child for the first grade primarily through Wilma online communication in January of the year school begins.
If the student is not in the first grade or the family moves to Mikkeli in the middle of the school year, the child’s guardian should primarily contact the principal of the designated neighborhood school.
If a child does not speak Finnish, they are entitled to study first in preparatory education for basic education. The preparatory education lasts about one year.