According to Section 32 of the Basic Education Act, when a students distance to an educational institution designated by the municipality exceeds five kilometres, the student is entitled to free school transport.
According to the criteria established by the City of Mikkeli’s Education and Training Board:
Students in grades 1-2 of basic education and students in pre-primary education are entitled to free school transport to a designated educational institution if the distance from home to school is more than three kilometres.
School transport is organised and provided in accordance with the School Transport Guide approved by the Education and Training Committee of the City of Mikkeli. The distance to school is measured from the child’s permanent home address, as entered in the population register, from the home gate to the school gate using the shortest route. Pedestrian and cycle paths are considered to be priority routes. The municipality is not obliged to provide transport for the entire journey.
Transport is provided primarily by public transport and secondarily by school transport services provided by chartered transport. The school journey may also include parts which have to be covered independently.
When the length of the school journey does not justify school transport, the students parent or guardian may, if necessary, apply for a school transport allowance based on the difficulty, intensity or danger of the journey or medical condition of the student.
If discretionary school transport is requested for health or educational reasons.
The electronic application must be accompanied bya multidisciplinary assessment, which will be sent separately to the following address:
Mikkelin kaupunki, Sivistyksen ja hyvinvoinnin palvelualue, PL 33, Maaherrankatu 9-11, 50100 Mikkeli.
Other possible attachments can be sent as an attachment to the electronic application.
The application for school transport must be submitted separately for each school year by 1 April. Applications received by the deadline will be processed before the start of school. Applications received after the deadline will be processed during the autumn term.