Upper secondary school (lukio) provides general education, where students complete at least 150 credits. The typical duration of studies is three years. Upper secondary school (lukio) equips students with skills and qualifications for further studies.
Applications to upper secondary schools are submitted in February-March during the national joint application process. The joint application is carried out through the Opintopolku (Studyinfo) system.
Students transferring to Mikkeli from another municipality during the school year can apply for a study place directly from the principal of the upper secondary school.
Upper Secondary Schools
The upper secondary schools in Mikkeli include Mikkelin lukio, Otava Folk High School’s Adult Upper Secondary School, and Nettilukio (Online Upper Secondary School).
Upper secondary education provides a solid foundation in general knowledge and language skills, as well as strong qualifications for pursuing further studies. Upon completing the upper secondary school curriculum, students can apply to a wide range of post-secondary education opportunities.
Studying in upper secondary school is more theoretical compared to basic education, and the methods of study differ from those in comprehensive school. Independent work is emphasized in lukio. Upper secondary schools collaborate extensively with other educational institutions, organizations, and the business sector.
Mikkelin lukio
Mikkeli – Oppiminen (In Finnish)
Adult Upper Secondary School, Otava Folk High School
Otavan Opisto in English – Otavan Opisto
Mikkeli – Oppiminen (In Finnish)
Online Upper Secondary School, Otava Folk High School
Mikkeli – Oppiminen (in Finnish)
Nettilukio – Opiskele aikuislukion oppimäärä etäopiskeluna omassa aikataulussa (in Finnish)
Applications to upper secondary schools are submitted through the national joint application system for secondary education. Students transferring to Mikkeli from another municipality during the school year can apply for a study place directly from the principal of the desired upper secondary school. Applications to the Online Upper Secondary School are open year-round.
The eligibility requirements for the Adult Upper Secondary School include being at least 18 years old and having completed basic education or equivalent knowledge. An applicant under the age of 18 may also be admitted at the discretion of the principal for special, personal reasons. For more information, please contact the principal of Otava Folk High School.