Welcome to studying in Mikkeli
Here is an information package for you if you are arriving or planning to study with us here in Mikkeli. Below, you’ll find details about study places, housing information, and activity recommendations.
Colleges, vocational schools, and high schools in Mikkeli
Higher education in Mikkeli is provided by:
Vocational education is offered by:
High schools operating in Mikkeli include:
- Mikkelin lukio
- General Upper Secondary School for Adults by Otavan Opisto
- Online Upper Secondary School (Otava Folk High School).
You can find more information here: Teaching and education
Are you looking for accommodation during your studies?
Mikkeli, one of the most beautiful cities in Finland, is a city full of energy and a spirit of innovation. Beautiful nature and Lake Saimaa with its diverse outdoor and sports facilities add to the enjoyment of living here.
MOAS, rents apartments to students attending post-primary education institutions and other young people.
Ohjaamo Olkkari provides services for people under 30 years old.
You can contact Ohjaamo Olkkari if you’re looking for information, advice, or guidance in a new city regarding, for example, housing, finances, leisure activities, hobbies, or life management.
Olkkari also offers support with studies and employment.
Public transport
You can conveniently get around Mikkeli using the local public transport. Find out more here:
Activity Tips
On the city’s website, you’ll find information about culture and leisure here:
For more information about Mikkeli’s library services, visit:
Explore amazing outdoor and sports facilities here:
What to do in Mikkeli?
Photo Jonne Vaahtera